Lesson 13: Negative Ichidan -いる & -える Verbs

Objective: Learn to read and write sentences using negative Japanese ichidan verbs.


Ichidan verbs are group of Japanese verbs with stems that end in i or e and terminal stems ending in -いる or -える. Conjugation of ichidan verbs follow hard and fast rules, so once you learn to use one ichidan verb, you can easily use all others.

Examples of Japanese Ichidan Verbs

  • みる = to see; to watch


  • たべる = to eat


  • おしえる = to teach


Conjugating Negative Ichidan Verbs

To conjugate negative ichidan verbs to the present tense form, simply drop the -る from the end of the verb and replace with -ません.

(たべる - る) + ません = たべません = not eating

[(taberu - ru) + masen = tabemasen]

New Vocabulary


ピザ = pizza


ハンバーガー = hamburger


ちゅうごくご = Chinese language


ポスター = poster


はがき = postcard


こんちゅう = insect


かせき = fossil



  • わたしはにhごんごをおしえません。= I'm not teaching Japanese.

    [watashi wa nihongo wo oshiemasen]

  • かれらはすしをたべません。 = They are not eating sushi.

    [karera wa sushi wo tabemasen]

Translation Practice

Write the following sentences in Japanese using hiragana/katakana.

  1. Mainichi Japanese (language) doesn't teach Chinese language.
  2. I am not eating this pizza.
  3. Is she eating that hamburger?
  4. Aren't you watching a movie?
  5. I'm not looking at that poster.

Translate the following Japanese sentences to English.

  1. わたしはそのこんちゅうをみません。わたしはこのかせきをみます。
  2. かのじょはにほんごをおしえません。かのじょはきょうしじゃありません。
  3. あなたはそのすしをたべませんか。そのすしはとてもおいしいです。
  4. あのりすはあなたのピザをみますか。あのりすはわたしのピザをみません。りすはピザをたべます。
  5. わたしはかれのはがきをみません。かのじょはかれのはがきをみます。


Translate the following pen pal letters to English.

A: こんいちは!

B: こんにちは!

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