Objective: Learn to read & write some common Japanese greetings
おはよう (ございます)。 = Good morning. (polite)
[ohayoo (gozaimasu)]
こんにちは。 = Hello; Good afternoon.
こんばんは。 = Good evening.
どうぞ よろしく。 = Nice to meet you.
[doozo yoroshiku]
はじめまして。 = How do you do?
わたし の なまえ は _____ です。= My name is ____ .
[watashi no namae wa ____ desu2]
ありがとう (ございます)。= Thank you (polite).
[arigatoo gozaimasu]
どう いたしまして。= You're welcome.
[doo itashimashite]
すみません。= Excuse me/Sorry.
ごめんなさい。= Sorry.
1 - When は appears after a subject, it is pronounced wa.
2 - Note about です: usually this word is pronounced dess, rhyming with the English word less.
Translate the following sentences from English to Japanese using Hiragana.
Translate the following Japanese phrases to English.
Which greeting/phrase would you use in the following situations?
Write the following sets of Hiragana characters