Objective: Learn to read and write "You are" sentences.
あなた = You (singular)
は1 = (subject marker)
です2 = (sentence marker)
1 - When は appears after a subject,it's pronounced wa.
2 - Note about です: usually this word is pronounced dess, rhyming with the English word less.
あなた は _____ です。= You are _____ .
[anata wa (adj./noun) desu.]
たのしい = fun
つよい = strong
うつくしい = beautiful
ただしい = correct; right
かしこい = clever
とても = very
あなたはとてもうつくしいです。= You are very beautiful.
[anata wa totemo utsukushii desu]
あなたはかしこいです。 = You are clever.
[anata wa kashikoi desu]
Write the following sentences in Japanese using Hiragana and Katakana.
Translate the following Japanese sentences to English.
Write the following sentences in Hiragana