Lesson 11: Ichidan -いる -える Verbs

Objective: Learn to read and write sentences using Japanese ichidan (-いる, -える) verbs.


Ichidan verbs are group of Japanese verbs with stems that end in i or e and terminal stems ending in -iru or -eru. Conjugation of ichidan verbs follow hard and fast rules,so once you learn to use one ichidan verb, you can easily use all others.

Examples of Japanese Ichidan Verbs

  • miru = to see; to watch
  • taberu = to eat
  • oshieru = to teach

Conjugating Ichidan Verbs

To conjugate ichidan verbs to the present tense form, simply drop the -る from the end of the verb and replace with -ます.

Present Tense Example: (たべる - る) + ます = たべます = eating

[(taberu - ru) + masu = tabemasu]

New Vocabulary

みる = to see; to watch


たべる = to eat


おしえる = to teach



  • わたしはみます。 = I see. / I'm watching.

    [watashi wa mimasu]

  • かれらはたべます。 = They are eating.

    [karera wa tabemasu]

Translation Practice

Write the following sentences in Japanese using hiragana/katakana.

  1. He is teaching.
  2. We are watching.
  3. She's eating.
  4. Are you watching?
  5. Is he eating?

Translate the following Japanese sentences to English.

  1. かんじょはおしえますか。
  2. わたしたちはたべます。
  3. あれはいぬです。あなたはみますか。
  4. かれらはみます。
  5. あなたたちはたべますか。


Write the following sentences using hiragana/katakana.

  1. I see. That (over there) is not a cat. That (over there) is a dog.
  2. This isn't my pencil. Is this your pencil? This pencil is short.
  3. A: You're welcome. Aren't you Canadian? B: You are very clever. I am Canadian.
  4. Are they students? No, they are not students. They are teachers.
  5. This is my house. Are you sleepy?
  6. A: I'm teaching. B: Are you a teacher? A: I am not a teacher. B: Are you a student? A: I am not a student. I'm a doctor.
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