Lesson 12: Object Particle を

Objective: Learn to read and write sentences using the object particle を.


The Japanese particle を (pronounced "o", written as "wo") is used to mark an object that is affected by a verb. The particle を is placed just after the object modified by the verb, similar to the way the particle は immediately follows the subject.

Simple grammar structure: Subject + は + Object + + Verb.

New Vocabulary

Japanese Nouns

すし = sushi


とんかつ = breaded and fried pork cutlet


てんぷら = battered and deep-fried seafood or vegetables


とうふ = tofu


にほんご = Japanese language


えいご = English language



  • わたしはえいがをみます。 = I'm watching a movie.

    [watashi wa eiga wo mimasu]

  • かれらはてんぷらをたべます。 = They are eating tempura.

    [karera wa tenpura wo tabemasu]

Translation Practice

Write the following sentences in Japanese using hiragana/katakana.

  1. Mainichi Japanese (language) teaches Japanese language.
  2. I am eating tonkatsu.
  3. Is she eating sushi?
  4. Are you watching TV?
  5. Is that person eating tempura?

Translate the following Japanese sentences to English.

  1. かれはきょうしですか? かれはえいごをおしえますか?
  2. わたしたちはとうふをたべます。
  3. あれはいぬです。あなたはあのいぬをみますか?
  4. わたしたちはえいがをみます。このえいがはすばらしいです。
  5. かのじょはそのとんかつをたべます。


Write the following sentences using hiragana/katakana.

  1. Good evening. My name is Tetsuro. That (over there) dog is very fun. Is that (over there) your dog?
  2. How do you do? My name is Reiko. I'm a student. Are you a student? Are you American?
  3. A: You're welcome. Aren't you Canadian? B: You are very clever. I am Canadian.
  4. Is this movie interesting? Are you watching this movie?
  5. A: Are you sad? B: I'm sleepy. I am watching a movie. This movie is not interesting.
  6. A: Is this your pen? B: You are correct. That is my pen. A: Your pen is very cute.
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