Objective: Learn to read and write where questions using どこ.
どこ = where
Simple where? questions can be created by adding どこ before desuka.
... + は + どこですか。= Where is/are ... ?
[... + wa + doko + desuka]
びんこう = bank
びょういん = hospital
こうえん = park
スーパーマーケット = supermarket
ゆうびんきょうく = post office
ホテル = hotel
コンビニ = convenience store
やっきょく = pharmacy
びょういんはどこですか。 = Where is the hospital?
[byouin ha doko desuka]
Write the following sentences in Japanese using Hiragana and Katakana.
Translate the following Japanese sentences to English.
Write the following sentences in Hiragana